Macross History

War & love...

Macross (マクロス Makurosu?) is a long-running series of science fiction anime, created by Shoji Kawamori of Studio Nue in 1982. The franchise features a fictional Earth History after the year 1999. The franchise title features three TV series, three movies, four OVAs, and 2 manga series. The Macross II OVA carries the Macross title; however, it was not produced by Studio Nue.

Within the series, the term Macross is used to denote the main capital ship. This theme began with the first Macross, the SDF-1 Macross.

Overtechnology refers to the scientific advances discovered in an alien starship (Alien Star Ship - One later renamed Super Dimension Fortress - One Macross) that crashed on South AtariaSpace Fold. island. With this technology, Earth developed mechas (variable fighters and destroids), starships and many other advanced technology like the faster-than-light drive

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